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Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP)

An interactive online version of AALL's Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, the preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 800 legal journals worldwide.

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Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals Logo

About the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Produced by the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) is the preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 800 legal journals published worldwide. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of most jurisdictions in 26 languages. The only available multilingual legal journal index, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals also analyzes the contents of selected individually published collections of legal essays, Festschriften, Mélanges, and congress reports each year. 

Why utilize an index?

With the internet at our fingertips, we have become used to finding answers fast. However, a Google search won’t always provide the most reliable information. And when you run a keyword search in a full-text database, you’re likely to pull thousands of articles, of which only a couple may be relevant to your research.

Enter the index, a valuable tool for helping you quickly retrieve the resources you need. Because indexes aren’t full text, they will only provide results that match your keyword search in the title, abstract, or author, which means you’re much more likely to find articles relevant to your research, rather than articles that may simply mention your search term one or two times.

With fewer yet higher quality results yielded from an index, you can spend less time searching—and more time learning.

About HeinOnline's Digital Version

In October 2011, HeinOnline partnered with the American Association of Law Libraries to host this essential multilingual index online. HeinOnline’s Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals provides access to an interactive digital version of the entire print Index dating back to 1960. Composed of more than 400,000 index records, this online resource is fully searchable from 1985 forward, providing links to the full text of nearly 80,000 indexed articles and book reviews. In addition to browsing the print edition, users may quickly view all articles associated with a particular author, subject, or region. As an added convenience, the database allows for ISSN and ISBN linking to local catalogs or World Cat, as well as OpenURL linking to personal library resources. 

Subjects in Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

As a subject index to selected international and comparative law documents, all content in Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is categorized within a variety of subjects, available to browse in either English, German, French, or Spanish. In HeinOnline’s database version of the resource, users may use this categorization to quickly view all articles associated with a particular subject. Where applicable, cross-references link to related subjects.


IFLP Alerts: Customized IFLP Notifications, Directly to Your Inbox

IFLP Alerts is a new, essential awareness tool for legal scholars, providing tailored alerts delivered via email as a personalized supplement to the monthly IFLP issue. If the full text of an article is available in HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library, a direct hyperlink will be provided. In addition, all entries are available through the IFLP database.


All IFLP content has been categorized into more than 100 topics, 300 regions, 300 country subjects, 800 journals, and 25 languages. After setting up an IFLP Alert profile, individuals will begin to receive a monthly notification that lists the most recent material available within their chosen preferences.

IFLP Alert profiles can be changed at any time, and users may manage and edit their own profiles through MyHein. Particular individuals may also become authorized to manage the IFLP Alert profiles of faculty or staff at their subscribing institution. Learn more about creating, editing, and managing multiple IFLP Alert profiles below.

Database Tools and Features

Easy Index Searching

Search IFLP by keyword or by various metadata points, including author, country, subject, title, and more. Keyword searching is available in multiple languages.

Searching HeinOnline's Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
Browse options in HeinOnline's Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Multiple Browse Options

Browse all indexed records by subject (available in four languages), country, region, or publication title. Alternatively, choose to browse the print edition.

Full-Text Linking

Links to the full text of nearly 80,000 indexed records are available in HeinOnline. Easily identify available documents when searching or browsing IFLP.

Links to full text documents in HeinOnline's Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

ISSN, ISBN, and OpenURL Linking

Enable ISSN or ISBN linking to connect indexed records to your local library catalog or WorldCat. Enable OpenURL linking to link directly to resources available in your library.

About the Editors

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is compiled and edited by the staff at Berkeley Law Library at the University of California, and published in conjunction with the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and HeinOnline. As such, all indexing has been completed by a wide array of trained individuals, including lawyers and law librarians from Berkeley Law Library as well as from around the world. Other editors include indexers, an advisory board, and HeinOnline staff.

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Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP)

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