Philippine Law Collection
Access more than 480 titles covering more than 200 subjects specific to Philippine Law.
About the Philippine Law Collection
HeinOnline’s Philippine Law Collection features more than 480 titles and nearly 500,000 pages of materials specific to Philippine law. Content in this database includes coverage of more than 200 subject areas, including Civil Rights, Criminal Law and Procedure, Economic Reform, Foreign Policy, Insurance, Military Law, Trade Regulations, and much more.
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Featured Titles
- Philippine Law Journal, Vols. 1-current (1914-)
- Philippine Treaty Series: A Collection of the Texts of Treaties and Other International Agreements to Which the Philippines is a Party - 9v. Quezon City: Law Center, University of the Philippines, 1944-1983
- National Administrative Register - Vols. 1-current (1990- )
- Reports of Cases – 135v. Manila: Government Printing Office, 1901-1968
- Journal of the Philippine Association on Voluntary Arbitration – Vols. 1- (1996-current)
- Philippine Permanent and General Statutes, 1971-1972, 1978-2009