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UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online)

HeinOnline’s newest partnership with Dandy Booksellers unlocks access to millions of pages of key UK Parliamentary materials, such as Command Papers and Hansard. Moreover, a subscription provides access to both platforms—HeinOnline and Public Information Online’s interface.







Understanding the UK Parliamentary Papers

The UK Parliamentary papers, also known as parliamentary documents, are an essential resource for understanding the functioning of the British parliamentary system, which has had profound impact over the course of world history.

These papers illuminate various aspects of governance, provide transparency, and aid in historical research of not just the countries of the United Kingdom, but the nature of Britain’s foreign affairs throughout centuries. By studying these documents, researchers can understand the legislative process that has shaped the laws of the United Kingdom, gain insights into the political, social, and economic developments of its countries and colonies around the globe, and dive deeper into the nation’s diplomatic history. UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online) is the only place where users can search across all parliamentary and key United Kingdom government documents, allowing them to stay informed on government decisions that had, and continue to have, local and global reach and have influenced the direction of world events.

This collection stands unparalleled in its comprehensive coverage of UK Parliamentary documents, including House of Commons Papers, House of Lords Papers, Command Papers, bills and amendments, explanatory notes, and much more, which cover not only the United Kingdom, but much of the rest of the world.

WHY RESEARCHERS RELY UPON UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online):

The UK’s legal system has a profound impact worldwide, serving as a model for lawmaking and judicial practices in many countries. Understanding UK legislation provides valuable insights into legal trends and standards that may influence international legal frameworks.

The UK Parliament is one of the oldest parliamentary institutions in the world. Its documents offer a rich historical perspective on the evolution of democracy, legal systems, and governance that can inform studies in political science, history, and law.

These documents serve as an excellent educational tool for students and scholars in political science, law, and international relations, offering real-world examples of legislative processes, policy debates, and governance.

For policymakers and researchers, UK Parliamentary documents provide a wealth of case studies and analyses that can aid in the development of policies and the comparative study of governance models and legislative responses to global issues.

Legal researchers outside the UK can benefit from references to cases, laws, and legal precedents that are relevant to international law, human rights cases, and transnational legal matters.

With the growing importance of environmental sustainability, UK parliamentary discussions on climate change, conservation, and sustainable practices offer valuable information for international environmental policy analysis and development.

For economists and international trade experts, UK parliamentary documents provide insight into trade negotiations, economic policies, and the UK’s relationships with the EU and other global trading partners, which are vital for global economic analysis.

What Sets UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online) Apart?


UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online)

Other Parliamentary Products

Parliamentary coverage Green Checkmark
Includes UK, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Ireland documents
Green Checkmark
Includes just UK documents
House of Lords Papers/Bills Green Checkmark
Coverage from 1901 to current
Green Checkmark
Coverage from 1800 to 1910
House of Commons Papers Green Checkmark
Coverage from 2006/07 to current
Green Checkmark
Coverage from 18th to 21st centuries
Hansard Green Checkmark
Coverage from 1803 to current,
scanned directly from bound volumes
Green Checkmark
Coverage from 1803 to 2005,
scanned from freely available XML
Command Papers Green Checkmark
Coverage from 1900 to current,
but will soon be available back to 1870
Green Checkmark
Coverage from 1833 to current
Non-Parliamentary material Green Checkmark Red X
Standing Committee Debates Green Checkmark
Dating back to 1919, rare and exclusive to this collection
Red X
Public General Acts Green Checkmark
Dating back to 1900
Red X
Database updated daily Green Checkmark Red X
Full-color PDFs Green Checkmark Red X
Customers are entitled to copies of all subscribed session content Green Checkmark Red X
PDFs created with top-quality scanners Green Checkmark Red X
Example of full-color PDF available in this database, detailing the Explosion at Chanters Colliery, Lancashire on March 6, 1957.

About Dandy Booksellers & Public Information Online

HeinOnline is excited to partner with Dandy Booksellers to integrate their product, Public Information Online, to bring comprehensive coverage of UK Parliamentary Papers into our fully indexed, browsable, and searchable interface. Dandy Booksellers, based in London, has been providing UK official information to the public for more than 30 years. Initially, they distributed this information, including House of Commons and Lords Papers, bills, and Commands, in print, launching their online database, Public Information Online, in 2006.

UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online) is not just a database; it’s a historical record, a research tool, and a legislative library all in one. It acts as a searchable archive of Parliamentary and official documents from the parliaments of Westminster, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, along with a variety of non-parliamentary material.

Currently, this collection contains over 12 million pages of content and is utilized by the majority of major academic libraries in the United Kingdom, along with The British Library and the National Library of Wales. Content is current, with new content added daily, and includes a variety of resources that are no longer published in hard copy. Additionally, this database is the only place where users will find written and oral arguments brought together in consolidated PDFs.

one subscription. two platforms.

Subscribers receive access to this database in two easy-to-use platforms: the HeinOnline interface you’re used to, and the Public Information Online interface from Dandy Booksellers. It’s two platforms for the price of one, giving you a variety of options for browsing and searching through this extensive collection.

An Essential resource for:

Historians & Researchers

Offering a window into the political past with documents that have shaped the UK's present.

Legal Professionals

Providing the legislative context and details necessary for informed legal practice.

Educators & Students

Serving as a primary source for understanding the evolution of UK governance.

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From the Pages of Legal Information Management:

Governments Covered

Featured Content

command papers:
illuminating the history of parliament

Dating back to 1900

The Command Papers illustrate a rich history of policy proposals and government reports. The name derives from the formula that was carried on the papers: “Presented to Parliament….by the command of Her (or His) Majesty.” These documents contain information or decisions to which the Sovereign wishes to draw Parliament’s attention.

The main types of Command Papers within PIO consist of:

  • State papers
  • White papers
  • Government replies to committee reports
  • Reports of Royal Commissions
  • Reports of major committees
  • Annual reports, statistics, etc.
  • Some consultative documents (sometimes called Green Papers).

the cornerstone of parliamentary debate

House of Commons: Dating back to 1803
House of Lords: Dating back to 1909

The Hansard papers are the official reports of the proceedings of Parliament, published daily. The documents consist of everything said and done in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, detailing debates, discussions, and conversations on issues that have shaped history. Trace parliamentary debates on essential subjects such as the elimination of slavery in the British Empire, the Parliament Act of 1911, the Suez Canal, the European Union, foreign affairs, colonization, and much more with precision and detail.

screenshot of title page of Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates Vol. V.

About UK Governing Bodies

Westminster parliament

The Westminster Parliament, also referred to as the Parliament of the United Kingdom, is the overarching legislative body of the United Kingdom. It consists of the House of Commons, and House of Lords, and the Sovereign (the Crown).

The House of Commons is the lower chamber of Parliament, consisting of 650 elected officials who are called Members of Parliament (MPs). The House of Lords is the upper chamber of Parliament, whose members are appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Westminster system is one of the oldest legislatures in global history.

Westminster Parliament content in the database includes:

scottish parliament

The Scottish Parliament, located in Edinburgh, works on a one-house system and consists of 129 members, referred to as Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), who are elected to their positions for five-year terms. The original Parliament of Scotland was consumed by the Parliament of England following the Acts of Union 1707 that formed the Kingdom of Great Britain—however, the Scotland Act 1998 recreated the Scottish Parliament as a separate entity. Some powers are explicitly reserved to the Westminster Parliament, but the Scottish Parliament has authority in all other matters.

All Scottish Parliament material is from Session 3 onwards and includes:

Northern Ireland Assembly

The Northern Ireland Assembly, often referred to as Stormont, is the legislature that enacts laws for Northern Ireland and has authority in all matters that are not explicitly reserved to the Westminster Parliament. Located in Belfast, the Northern Ireland Assembly is a one-house system that consists of 90 elected members known as Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs).

All Northern Ireland Assembly content is from Session 3 onwards and includes:

Welsh Parliament (Senedd)

The Welsh Parliament, or Senedd, is the one-house legislature of Wales. The Senedd consists of 60 elected members who are known as Members of the Senedd (MS) and serve five-year terms. With both English and Welsh as its official languages, the Senedd is bilingual and has the authority to enact laws in any areas that are not explicitly reserved to the Westminster Parliament.

Welsh Parliament content in the database includes:

Prior to 2011, Acts of the National Assembly for Wales were called Measures.

Scottish Government

The Scottish Government, formerly referred to as the Scottish Executive, is the devolved government of Scotland and is accountable to the Scottish Parliament. Content within this section of the database includes both published and unpublished papers, including annual reports, consultations, and research findings.

Topics covered within these papers include:

Key Non-Parliamentary Content

UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online) also contains a wealth of published and unpublished non-parliamentary papers, such as official departmental reports, technical papers, research reports, annual reports, and statistical research. These publications come from departments such as:

Pepper v. Hart (Bill-Tracking Tool)

Available as a separate purchase with access provided exclusively within Public Information Online's platform.

When researchers subscribe to this database, they will receive access to the collection both in HeinOnline and in Public Information Online and will be eligible for a discount on Pepper v. Hart, a search and combine tool located within Public Information Online’s platform through which they can quickly and easily view, search, and save all of the relevant papers for any particular act, including Lords papers, bills, standing committee/public bill committee debates, Hansards, and acts dating back to 1919. Users can search for individual clauses or schedules of interest and follow their discussions throughout the entire legislative process, and then produce a combined document that includes each relevant reference.

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