A Product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

AALL 2019 Annual Meeting & Conference Recap


The Hein crew is back from Washington, D.C. and had an exceptional time visiting with our customers. We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to stop by our booth and chat with us. Wonderful conversations were had and we’re grateful for the feedback we received. Let’s take a look at everything we squeezed into a short, but eventful conference!

HeinOnline team members
From left: Steve Roses, Shannon Hein, Tim Hooge, Skyler Hein, Roxanne Marmion, Lauren Mattiuzzo, Dick Spinelli, Ben Boron, and Shane Marmion.

Hein Booth Demos

The Hein demos held record breaking attendance this year—even the impromtu Q&A session with fan favorite, Steve Roses. In case you missed it, ask him about how he accidentally stole a purse when he met Carla Hayden for the first time. You won’t be disappointed!

Here is a brief breakdown of what was covered in the demos:

Coming Soon: Cataloging Legal Literature, 5th Edition

Guest presenters Melody Lembke and Melissa Beck drew quite a crowd to discuss the newly-revised fifth edition of Cataloging Legal Literature. Due to an ongoing redesign of the RDA Toolkit as part of the 3R Project, CLL5 is a major revision that incorporates new concepts and terms. Stay tuned for more details!

Melody Lembke giving a demo at AALL 2019

Celebrating Diversity: Winner of the 2019 Joseph L. Andrews Literature Award

Guest presenters Shamika Dalton and Dr. Yvonne Chandler gave a passionate presentation on the importance of diversity in law librarianship. They touched upon different ways to welcome more diversity into the community. Both presenters highlighted AALL’s core purpose and organizational values to advance the profession of law librarianship and how the librarian community can contribute to the history of diversity within their profession. View the brochure for more information about Celebrating Diversity: A Legacy of Minority Leadership in the American Association of Law Libraries, Second Edition.

Shamika Dalton and Dr. Yvonne Chandler giving a demo at AALL 2019

Coming Soon: Democracy in America

Guest presenter Alan Keely showcased our newest upcoming database, Democracy in America. Complete with more than 1,000 annotations and references meticulously researched by Keely, this interactive digital edition takes students and researchers back to Tocqueville’s 1831, providing full-text links to the works Tocqueville read while he traveled, researched, and wrote Democracy in America. Contact your sales representative if you are interested in purchasing this one-of-a-kind database.

Alan Keely giving a demo at AALL 2019

National Survey of State Laws, 8th Edition

Guest presenter Rich Leiter demonstrated how to use National Survey of State Laws, the print and online resource that provides an overall view of some of the most-asked about and controversial legal topics in the United States. He discussed what’s new in the 8th edition and how the idea for the book came to fruition. A very humble Rich Leiter was later awarded the Roy M. Mersky Spirit of Law Librarianship Award, presented by Dick Spinelli.

Dick Spinelli presenting award to Rich Leiter at AALL 2019

Hein’s Suite of Tools

Manging Director of Sales Tim Hooge presented on Hein’s Suite of Tools. Tim covered all of our artificial intelligence tools including More Like This, topic and entity extraction, and the Keyword Search Builder. Later in the demo, Tim showcased HeinOnline’s useful research tools such as citation formats, MyHein, author profile pages, ScholarCheck, and the newly released Venn Diagram, which is still in beta format.

What’s New In HeinOnline

Director of Sales Steve Roses presented on what HeinOnline has been up to in the past 12 months. He explored all the new databases that have been added, as well as any key content updates. Steve highlighted new features such as LibGuides and new proximity connectors. Finally, he ended with the latest awards our print publications have won.

Steve Roses presenting at AALL 2019

Author Profile Pages and U.S. News & World Report Update

Marketing Professional Lauren Mattiuzzo presented on all things Author Profile Pages. She explained all the different features, alerts, and ScholarCheck metrics which make up an author profile page. To keep customers in the loop, Lauren also gave a brief update to the U.S. News & World Report scholarly impact ranking to provide some clarity on the project.

U.S. Congressional Serial Set

Sales representative Roxanne Marmion reviewed what’s been added to the U.S. Congressional Serial Set. She discussed the coverage of the Serial Set, as well as what was added in Phase I. Roxanne then showcased just how easy it can be to search the metadata and quickly pull up a citation using our research tools. Lastly, she highlighted our newest blog series, the Secrets of the Serial Set, but shh, don’t tell anyone what we’re unveiling!

Roxanne Marmion giving presentation at AALL 2019

Coming Soon: HeinOnline Databases

Marketing Manager Ben Boron presented on all of Hein’s upcoming databases.

  • Democracy in America is an interactive digital edition of Alexis de Tocqueville’s classic text.
  • Business and Legal Aspects of Sports and Entertainment (BLASE) is designed to assist researchers in locating sources relevant to the many issues surrounding these critically important subject areas.
  • West Academic Casebooks includes American Casebook Series, Hornbook Series, and Nutshell Series.
  • Bibliography of American Law School Casebooks: The second print release of Bibliography of American Law School Casebooks is forthcoming, as is its updated online database companion. This bibliographical reference is intended to fill an important niche in American legal bibliography by presenting a nearly comprehensive list of casebooks intended for use in law schools and published in the United States from 1870-2018.
  • State Constitution Illustrated, which is similar to Hein’s World Constitutions Illustrated, will be rolled into the U.S. State Package at no additional cost.

Hot Topic Panel

We are aware of the many questions and concerns relating to U.S. News & World Report’s announcement back in February that they are utilizing Hein’s metrics to include a new ranking evaluating the scholarly impact of law schools. We were happy to be part of the panel that presented during the AALL meeting and clarify what steps we are taking to clean up our metrics and listen to our customer’s questions and concerns. This project is a major undertaking, but we are committed to improving our data so that we can provide the most accurate results possible. To reiterate, U.S. News & World Report will simply be using Hein’s data. They will be creating their own methodology for evaluating scholarly impact.

AALL 2019 panel: From left: Bonnie Shucha, Lisa Davis, Shannon Hein, Robert Morse, and Shane Marmion
From left: Bonnie Shucha, Lisa Davis, Shannon Hein, Robert Morse, and Shane Marmion

See You Next Year!

We’re already looking forward to what next year’s conference in New Orleans will bring. Hein is continuously adding new features, tools, and content to add value to your subscription. We are grateful for all the friends we’ve made along the way and will continue to be open to new ideas and suggestions from our users. As always, thank you for your continued support!

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