Call ya friends, call ya colleagues. Searching in HeinOnline just got even more intuitive.
Previously, HeinOnline users were able to perform a search either within a specific database or across all databases, with the ability to then filter databases one by one within search results. However, what if you know from the get-go that you’d like to search for a term in three, or four, or twenty different databases?
Now, thanks to wonderful suggestions from users Alina Kelly (Director of Research and Library Services, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP) and Jennifer Behrens (Associate Director for Administration & Scholarship, Duke Law School), you can. With a new feature, users can search multiple selected databases at once right from their HeinOnline welcome page. Watch the brief video below or keep reading to learn how to get started.
Let’s say you’re interested in learning more about presidential impeachment, and before you even enter HeinOnline, you know that you’ll probably find great information in our U.S. Presidential Library, U.S. Presidential Impeachment Library, the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, and the Law Journal Library.
Navigate to the HeinOnline welcome page by logging in to HeinOnline. Users will see that the main search bar at the top of the page has been updated to include a button marked “All Databases.”

Click the button to bring up HeinOnline’s new multiple database selector tool. Check the boxes next to the names of the databases you’re interested in searching, then click Submit.

Your databases have now been chosen, and you’ll know for sure because the database selector button has been updated to reflect the selected number of databases. Now you can simply enter your search query into the full-text search bar.

On the results page, you’ll see that the search criteria confirms the databases by which you’ve filtered.

Want to update your keywords, but keep the search within those databases? Simply adjust your terms and re-enter the query to find that the search engine has remembered and maintained your database filters.

Want to add a Topic or other facet filter to your query, but, again, keep the search within those databases? Users can adjust their search as much as desired using the facets on the left-hand side, all while maintaining their previous database search criteria.

Add or remove a database from your search by clicking the database selector tool, updating your checkboxes, and clicking Submit. To go back to searching all databases (or to start fresh), click the Reset button at the top of the tool.

We hope you enjoy this huge research time-saver—we at the HeinOnline Blog certainly will! Log in to try it out for yourself now.
Don’t Forget: Help Us to Help You
It’s great suggestions like this one that are the reason we’re always looking for your input. Many of our new features and tools come from the most important people in the HeinOnline equation—you!
If you have any suggestions or ideas to improve your research experience, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can fill out our feedback form or email us at