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LibGuides: A Librarian’s Best Friend


We know how valuable LibGuides are for librarians and researchers alike, which is why we have created them for almost all of our databases. Copying is usually frowned upon—but not in this case. So go ahead and copy them. We encourage it! And keep reading to learn more about how you can take full advantage of HeinOnline’s wealth of LibGuides.

Copy Our LibGuides in Two Easy Steps

Step 1

Include HeinOnline as a resource within your library. Copy and paste the descriptions from our A-Z database page to display in your library’s list of content. That way, you can have descriptions for each database within your HeinOnline subscription!

HeinOnline's A-Z Databases

Step 2

Copy our LibGuides to display within your own library guides. To do this, log into LibApps and visit your dashboard, then create a new guide. Under Choose Layout or Reuse, select “Copy content / layout from an existing guide.” Then, select “Local Guides” and choose the LibGuide you wish to copy. Then, to create copies of the guide’s assets, which you can edit without affecting the original, select the Copy Assets checkbox and fill out the remaining information.

Check out this article from Springshare for more information on how to do this!

Create New Guide form on LibApps

Our Top 5 Most Popular Guides

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1. Law Journal Library

Learn the basics of HeinOnline’s flagship database, the Law Journal Library. This LibGuide includes an overview of content, tools, search tips, and interface navigation.


2. Criminal Justice & Criminology

This collection offers an historical overview of how criminal justice has changed in American and English law and the effect criminology has had in facilitating those changes.

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3. Getting Started

Are you new to HeinOnline? Do you have questions about the basics of HeinOnline research? Follow this guide to get started with our research platform.

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4. Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP)

A weekly subject-categorized index to the most recent issues of nearly 650 legal publications.


5. U.S. Congressional Documents

This collection features the complete Congressional Record Bound version, as well as the daily version back to 1980. It also includes the three predecessor titles, as well as other important congressional material.

New to HeinOnline?

Check out these guides to get started with our research platform and conduct effective searches: Then these two guides are for you:

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