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Globe being held by hands
International Relations

The History of Foreign Relations of the United States

The Foreign Relations of the United States series, originally published by the GPO, presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Join us in the blog as we explore the content held in this collection.

USA Flag behind a prison gate
Criminal Justice

Wrongful Convictions and Innocence Projects

The Innocence Project celebrated its 25th anniversary earlier this month. The number of exonerations in the United States has increased each year for the past three years, and recently hit a record high. HeinOnline is proud to support various innocence projects around the United States.

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New Features

New Author Profile Email Alert Now Available

Users who have authored articles in HeinOnline or who follow the work of professors and colleagues will love this new feature! Users are now able to receive email alerts when works by authors of their choice are accessed by other HeinOnline researchers.

Statute of Liberty in sunset
International Relations

Research Immigration Policy in HeinOnline

Immigration has historically been a polarizing issue, arguably never more so than in today’s political climate. The purpose of this post is to provide a quick tutorial on major aspects of immigration law and highlighting points which have received intense recent media coverage.

Two men pushing a car through flooded roads

Researching Natural Disasters in HeinOnline

In the past month, news stations have broadcasted the destructive effect that Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Maria have had on the southeast portion of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean. HeinOnline contains a multitude of documents pertaining to natural disasters.


of the Serial Set


The Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal. The Manhattan Project. The Louisiana Purchase.

In addition to writing about the above topics and more, HeinOnline’s authors are dedicated to illuminating the most essential research resources for their readers.

The Serial Set is a must-have publication for any historical researcher. With more than two centuries of documents spanning more than 17,000 volumes, no other publication so beautifully reflects the maturation of the United States. To demonstrate the value of the Serial Set, we’ve created a blog series dedicated to revealing the historical secrets hidden throughout the immense publication.

Each month, join HeinOnline as we explore notable events in U.S. history using the primary sources themselves.

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