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If you’re interested in using HeinOnline, discovering great research tips and tricks, and expanding your knowledge of a variety of disciplines, the HeinOnline Blog is the place to be. Peruse the blog to stay in the know about new and upcoming databases, features, interface enhancements, and other content. Refresh and refine your understanding of HeinOnline with getting started guides, searching strategies, and other tips and tricks. Finally, discover fascinating content relating to numerous disciplines, including history, law, international relations, criminal justice, human rights, and many more.

Recent Posts
pride and transgender flag
Gender Studies

The Controversy Surrounding Laws Affecting the Transgender Community

From laws preventing mention of gender identity or sexual orientation in classrooms, to proposals to ban gender-affirming care for youth, to even prohibiting drag shows, there are laws cropping up designed to restrict trans rights across the country.

image of the Army Corps
New Databases

New Database: Military Legal Resources (U.S. Army JAG School)

An ideal resource for military institutions and anyone with a passion for military law, Military Legal Resources (U.S. JAG School), has been added to Military and Government subscriptions at no additional cost.

Donald Trump
Criminal Justice

Donald Trump’s Indictment Now in HeinOnline

On April 4, Donald Trump appeared in court after being indicted by a New York grand jury on 34 felony charges related to hush money payments during his 2016 presidential election. The indictment can be found in HeinOnline’s U.S. Presidential Library.

photo of different types of dollar bills

The History of Student Loan Debt in America

President Biden made cancelling student loan debt a major part of his presidential campaign, and he recently passed an executive order to cancel a significant amount of debt—but it is being fought tooth and nail in Congress and the courts.

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Content Updates

What’s New in HeinOnline: March 2023 Content Release

Spring has sprung and HeinOnline is blossoming with new information to help you cultivate your research. From fresh perspectives to budding theories, we’ve hand-picked the best of the best to ensure that your research garden is in full bloom.

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Content Updates

New Journals Added to HeinOnline: March 2023

With the March content release, we added 11 new journals, 10 of which are active serials that cover subjects such as Intellectual Property Law, Human Rights Law, International Law, and more. Keep reading to learn about these new additions.


of the Serial Set


The Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal. The Manhattan Project. The Louisiana Purchase.

In addition to writing about the above topics and more, HeinOnline’s authors are dedicated to illuminating the most essential research resources for their readers.

The Serial Set is a must-have publication for any historical researcher. With more than two centuries of documents spanning more than 17,000 volumes, no other publication so beautifully reflects the maturation of the United States. To demonstrate the value of the Serial Set, we’ve created a blog series dedicated to revealing the historical secrets hidden throughout the immense publication.

Each month, join HeinOnline as we explore notable events in U.S. history using the primary sources themselves.

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