Federal Register Library
A complete digitized archive of the Federal Register that spans back to inception and is updated daily. Featuring additional access to the Code of Federal Regulations, the Official U.S. Bulletin , the Code of Emergency Federal Regulations, presidential documents and records, and more.
About the Federal Register Library
The Federal Register is the official journal of record for acts of the United States government. The publication is a primary source for proposed rules, final rules, and rule changes within U.S. federal agencies, as well as for executive orders and other presidential documents. Updated daily and printed Monday through Friday (with the exception of federal holidays), the Federal Register includes the following categories:
- Presidential documents, executive orders, and proclamations
- Rules and regulations (policy statements and interpretations of rules by federal agencies)
- Proposed rules (petitions by agencies for assistance in rulemaking and other proposals
- Notices (scheduled hearings and meetings open to the public, grant applications, and administrative orders)
HeinOnline’s database version of this resource contains the entire publication from inception (1936-present, and updated daily) as well as the Code of Federal Regulations, the Official U.S. Bulletin, the Administrative Procedure Act, the Code of Emergency Federal Regulations, the U.S. Government Manual, and the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (continued from 2009 forward as the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents).
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Database Tools and Features
Multiple Browse Options
Page through the entire digitized version of the Federal Register and its indexes, as well as the entire Code of Federal Regulations and its list of sections affected.
Citation Lookup Tool
Quickly and easily retrieve any page in the Federal Register with an intuitive citation lookup tool. Learn more.
Sections Affected Locator
Looking for a particular affected section of the Code of Federal Regulations? Use the CFR Sections Affected Locator Tool for easy section retrieval. Learn more.