New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs
Digital access to the records and briefs from the New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs, starting with 96 NY2D and available in a fully searchable, image-based PDF format.

About the New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs Database
The New York Court of Appeals is the highest court in the state of New York. After an appeal of a lower court judgment, records and briefs (also known as cases and points) are submitted to the Court of Appeals to provide the legal history of that particular case. Varied in length (and occasionally filling multiple volumes), these documents usually include transcripts from the proceedings of the lower court, testimony, exhibits, and arguments for or against the issue of concern. They can also include complaints, motion papers, and court orders. In practice, these documents can be vital to attorneys who are researching a particular case, or even one that is similar. In historical or sociological research, court records and briefs become indispensable as they shed light on the social context of a particular time period.
Despite their necessity, the availability of these documents can differ greatly depending on the jurisdiction, and older materials in particular can be hard to find. HeinOnline is pleased to offer the records and briefs of the New York Court of Appeals starting with 96 NY2D, and is proud to update the content in this database on a monthly basis. See a complete list of available cases, or use our locator tool to enter either a partial or complete citation. Within the case itself, easily navigate between different sections of the publication using HeinOnline’s handy electronic table of contents. From right within the interface, email the case to a friend or colleague, save the document to your personal MyHein account, or download the publication to print.
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