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New York Legal Research Library

An extensive collection dedicated to the history, study, practice, and development of law in the state of New York.







About the New York Legal Research Library

HeinOnline’s New York Legal Research Library contains more than 11 million pages of legal research materials dedicated to the history, study, practice, and development of law in the state of New York. From the reports and opinions of the New York Attorney General, the New York State Register, New York Tax Cases and Session Laws to New York law journals, constitutions, and prestatehood materials, this specialized legal research library offers the legal resources necessary to understand the historical development of rules, regulations, laws, and policies in New York State.

Along with providing a one-stop source for these documents, HeinOnline’s New York Legal Research Library also allows users to search across the full text of these New York legal resources at the same time or across just one subset by selecting the search parameters.

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Featured Subcollections

Session Laws are laws published in annual or other periodic volumes of laws enacted during a particular session or sitting of the legislature, in the order in which they were passed. Included in the New York Legal Research Library is comprehensive coverage of New York State Session Laws dating back to inception in 1691.


In 1975, the New York State Legislature enacted the State Administrative Procedure Act, mandating the publication of all notices of hearings and proposed rules and regulations in the New York State Register. Published weekly, the Register includes rulemaking activities, securities offerings, notices to bidders/contractors, miscellaneous notices, and notices of abandoned property. Notices of rulemaking activities also include regulatory impact statements.


This subcollection is a source of all decisions by the New York tax courts. The Division of Tax Appeals performs adjudicative functions at two levels, the Division of Tax Appeals’ Law Judges (ALJs) and the Tax Appeals Tribunal. The determinations at both levels are invaluable for planning purposes, for recognizing trends in the application of New York tax law, and for properly preparing and presenting arguments used in formal tax controversy resolutions. HeinOnline’s coverage dates back to September 1, 1987, the date the Division of Tax Appeals was formed.


This subcollection includes both the historic and current reports and opinions of the New York Attorney General, dating back to 1890. The Annual Reports reflect the achievements of the Department of Law in the fields of consumer protection, civil rights, and environmental protection, as well as services performed on behalf of investors, consumers, and the legitimate business person. Formal opinions of the Attorney General are directed to the state department and agency officials, while informal opinions are directed to local government attorneys and contain only advice.


Each year, the Office of the State Comptroller publishes its advisory opinions to assist local government officials. It is the policy of the Comptroller’s Office to render advisory opinions only to local government officials acting in a supervisory capacity and to municipal attorneys. Requests for opinions must pertain to the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the State Comptroller or involve questions arising under the provisions of the state constitution or the various state statutes which define the rights and obligations of municipal corporations and their officers. Opinion requests from school district officials should relate to questions that are applicable, to the fiscal affairs of both school districts and local governments.

This subcollection is a centralized resource for researching New York’s constitutional history, from its territorial and colonial days up through the present day. Multiple sources for each constitution’s original text, amendments, and consolidated texts are provided, along with editorialized annotations only found in this collection.

This subcollection includes a number of legal classics from or about the state of New York, dating as far back as 1835. In addition to many “classics,” users can also find rare items that are found in only a handful of libraries around the world. This collection of classics focuses on constitutional law, political science, and other timeless topics.

Included in this subcollection are the superseded statutes of New York prior to 1923 and New York state reports from the 1600s. Historical state reports include Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York, Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and much more.

1818 – Current

This subcollection includes all New York law journals back to inception, including New York Law School Law Review, NYU Law Review, NYU Review of Law & Social Change, NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, and more. It also contains the most-cited law journals from other jurisdictions, such as the Harvard Law Review and more.

This subcollection includes New York bar journals such as the Bulletin of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the New York State Bar Association Journal, and Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

For generations, famous trials have served to identify social issues, cultural conflicts, and political questions of a particular period of time. This subcollection contains famous New York trials dating back to the 1800s, including the trial of Susan B. Anthony when she was charged with illegal voting. Users can find trial transcripts, critical court documents, and monographs that analyze and debate the decisions of famous trials as well as biographies of great trial lawyers in history.

In this subcollection, researchers will find a brief overview of New York State history from colonization to statehood, as well as a range of readily available and hard-to-find materials. Included is a selected bibliography with links to additional relevant documents. 

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