A Product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

Included in our U.S. State Package!

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Session Laws Library

The Session Laws Library contains exact replications of the bound session laws of all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands in an easily searchable database platform.







Massachusetts Session Laws shown on a laptop

About the Session Laws Library

First released in 2007, HeinOnline’s Session Laws Library contains exact replications of the bound session laws of all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Updated monthly, this is an ever-expanding database. It is the only complete online source of laws from all 50 states, beginning with territorial, colonial, and early statehood laws and continuing through to today. As new session laws are printed, they are added to the databases within 60 days of publication.

The database also includes the D.C. Register and the session laws of the U.S. federal government and features the entire back file of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada and Acts of the Parliament of Australia.

Title List: KBART (TXT) | CSV | HTML

Enhancements to the Session Laws Library

Thanks to customer feedback, we have completed the project to enhance our Session Laws Library by indexing all 50 states to the chapter or act level from inception. Phase I of the project included indexing from 2000 to the present. Phase II included indexing all states from 2000 back to inception. The following states and U.S. territories have been fully indexed from their inception to the current date:

The U.S. State Package

The Session Laws Library is included in all U.S. State Package subscriptions. The U.S. State Package combines eight databases to provide millions of pages of content related to all 50 states, as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Subscribers have access to the following collections:

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