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Preview of the United States Supreme Court Cases Small Feature Image

Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases

An online version of Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases that provides comprehensive expert analysis of all cases argued before the Supreme Court prior to the arguments. 

About Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases

The American Bar Association’s Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases is a publication that provides comprehensive expert analysis of all cases granted certiorari before the Supreme Court prior to the arguments. A subscription to this online publication includes eight issues annually. Issues 1-7 summarize the Court’s seven argument sessions from October through April. Issue 8, which is published subsequent to the close of the Court’s term at the end of June, reviews the entire term using statistics, charts, essays, and case summaries.

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Features of ABA Supreme Court Preview in HeinOnline

Since the American Bar Association’s Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases has been added to HeinOnline, subscribers now have a substantial advantage when accessing this publication online. HeinOnline allows users the ability to view the most current issue and archives in a fully searchable database. All PDFs of the publication are available in full color.

Other Benefits:

Using Preview in the Classroom

Each month, the American Bar Association features a current case before the Court along with a modified case study and focus questions for classroom use. Access these ready-to-use resources through the American Bar Association.

Background of the Issue

Each case study provides key definitions relating to the case, as well as the case at a glance and the facts of the case.

Argument Summaries

The issue that is brought before the court is defined and includes argument summaries from both sides of the case.

Focus Questions

Insight focus questions are provided to promote and provoke dialogue regarding different aspects of the case.

Database Tools & Features

Case Locator Tool

Quickly retrieve any case covered in Preview by name, docket number, term, subject, and more!

Inline Hyperlinks

Inline hyperlinks connect users to other cited articles and cases in HeinOnline. Click the blue hyperlinks to be directed to that citaiton.

Review Scholarly Works

Review other scholarly works written by Preview authors available in HeinOnline via their author profile page.

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