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New: SAGE Journal Packages Available in HeinOnline!

Laptop with notebook, water, phone, and flowers

Recently, an agreement was reached with SAGE Publishing to bring selected SAGE journal content into HeinOnline. Special pricing is available through HeinOnline, and subscribers will save by purchasing the packaged content.

The Watergate Scandal: Part I

The White House at night

Although the Watergate scandal happened in the early 1970s, it’s been in the news recently. Most people associate Watergate with President Richard M. Nixon’s eventual resignation, but what happened leading up to that? Join us as we dive into the Watergate scandal.

New in HeinOnline: History of Capital Punishment

image of barbed wire fence

It’s easily one of the most controversial and heavily debated issues in history, and HeinOnline has created a resource packed with information on capital punishment, providing researchers with a comprehensive overview of the history of death penalty legislation.

Five Things You Can Do in Less Than 15 Seconds in HeinOnline

image of a hand holding a stopwatch

In the research world, time is often critical when it comes to billable hours and project deadlines. The HeinOnline support team has compiled a short list of tasks which can be accomplished in less than 15 seconds in HeinOnline. This list is by no means comprehensive.

Scheduled Maintenance Announcement

Colorful code on a computer screen

As HeinOnline continues to grow, we often must upgrade our server space, bandwidth, and power to accommodate increases both in data and user demands. As a result, we will soon be relocating one of our hosting sites to a new state-of-the-art data center.

The Refugee Crisis: Exploring U.S. Resettlement

Refugee camp with kids

The world has faced multiple refugee crises, defined as movements of large groups of displaced people. Today, more than 60 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced from their home countries due to political upheaval, violence, religious persecution, and a myriad of other reasons.

Primary Sources, Secondary Sources and Beyond

Woman at a laptop

HeinOnline has long been known as an excellent platform for historical and current periodicals, books, and government documents. HeinOnline also has extensive case law coverage, much of which is provided through a partnership with Fastcase. Let’s explore these sources now.
