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Free Webinar: Exploring the Altmetric Integration in HeinOnline


Post updated on June 6, 2024.

Join us for a webinar featuring Altmetric, a new HeinOnline integration that follows online attention across news outlets, websites, blogs, social media, and more, tracking thousands of online conversations to uncover the societal impact of scholarly works.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. (ET)  

Michelle Herbert, Digital Science Product Engagement Specialist
Lauren Mattiuzzo, HeinOnline Marketing Lead

Watch the video recording below.

About Altmetric

Altmetric is part of Digital Science, an AI-focused technology company that tracks where published research is mentioned online. Altmetrics is a simple and effective way of understanding who is engaging with research online and what they’re saying. It monitors the digital footprint of scholarly works across various platforms, unveiling their societal impact.

Altmetric in HeinOnline

In HeinOnline, an Altmetric donut badge will only appear if an article includes a Digital Object Identifier, also known as a DOI, and at least one metric from an outside online source. The Altmetric donut badge can be found in four different places throughout HeinOnline.

image of a magnifying glass

Search Results

Users will see the Altmetric badge located to the right of the document, next to the ScholarCheck metrics in search results.

icon of a person writing

Author Profile Pages

Similar to search results, the donut badge will be listed next to the ScholarCheck metrics of the author’s listed works.

icon of papers

Viewing an Article

An Altmetric badge will display next to the ScholarCheck metrics above the table of contents when viewing a document.

icon of a bookmark


If a user saves an article that contains an Altmetric badge to their MyHein, the badge will be displayed there as well.

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