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Category: Economics

Portrait of Marx and Engels in the Rheinische Zeitung (Rhineland News) printing room

A Brief Biography of Revolutionary Socialist Karl Marx

German philosopher and socialist Karl Marx had a profound impact on history, sociology, politics, and economics. His ideas and his writings, particularly The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, would inspire revolutions throughout the 20th century.

paychecks, calculator, and glasses on a desk

The History of Minimum Wage in the United States

Millions of Americans struggle to make ends meet, working multiple jobs to make up for the fact that the federal minimum wage has not kept up with the rate of inflation. However, it hasn’t always been difficult to live off of a minimum wage job.

An array of one dollar bills

A New Deal on Banking Reform

Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse had shades of 2008 and the Great Depression. In the first 100 days of Roosevelt’s presidency, major legislation was passed to restore confidence in banks and create today’s banking world.

photo of different types of dollar bills

The History of Student Loan Debt in America

President Biden made cancelling student loan debt a major part of his presidential campaign, and he recently passed an executive order to cancel a significant amount of debt—but it is being fought tooth and nail in Congress and the courts.

President Joe Biden signing documents

President Biden Orders a Minimum Wage Increase

President Joe Biden signed an executive order on April 27, 2021, calling for the minimum wage to be set at $15 for hundreds of thousands of federal contract workers by early 2022. Learn how to research the topic of minimum wage and how to locate executive orders just like this one.

Economics chart

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Buying GameStop

In a David and Goliath story for the modern era, at-home Reddit-browsing retail investors have taken on the investment firms of Wall Street—and the Redditors, up until recently, were winning. Learn about the GameStop controversy and understand market regulations with HeinOnline.

Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during Great Depression

A Quick ‘N Easy Guide to FDR’s Most Influential New Deal Programs

The 1920s-1930s witnessed most severe economic downturn the industrialized Western world had ever seen. In the United States, recovery was primarily helmed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt through his first and second “New Deal.” Rediscover the legislation with HeinOnline.

Shanghai Skyline

Tariffs, Talks, and Trade Wars: The U.S.-China Trade Conflict

The Trump Administration has imposed steep tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of products from the European Union, Canada, Mexico and, in particular, China. As historic developments in international trade unfold, stay informed with HeinOnline’s U.S. International Trade Library.
