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Category: Getting Started

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Featured Database of the Month: American Law Institute Library

The American Law Institute Library is a digital collection that provides easy access to invaluable American Law Institute projects and documents that have influenced modern law and society. In today’s blog post we’re going to take a deeper look at this database and what it has to offer.

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Tip of the Week: How to Locate a Title in HeinOnline

Whether users are trying to locate a publication title or an article title, we have tools to make document retrieval a breeze. Continue reading for a quick tutorial on the various ways to pull up a title in HeinOnline.

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Help, I Need Somebody! Where Users Can Locate Help Resources in HeinOnline

Here at HeinOnline, we strive to give you the best research experience possible. From live chat to LibGuides, we are always looking for ways to provide help to our customers. In this post, we’re going to make sure you’re aware of all the support avenues available in HeinOnline.

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Tools for Researching Remotely in HeinOnline

When you’re stuck in a research rut, the library is an understated comfort, however, researching remotely has become the norm over the past few months. Discover HeinOnline’s suite of artificial intelligence features, research aids, and more that help make your research a breeze.

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Everything You Need To Know About ScholarRank’s Top 250 Authors

Twitter has been abuzz ever since the American Association of Law Libraries weekday KnowItAALL newsletter released our webpage dedicated to showcasing ScholarRank’s Top 250 Authors in HeinOnline. Today, we’re going to dive into this topic and give you the 411 on HeinOnline’s ScholarRank.

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Tip of the Week: Downloading and Printing Large Documents

Have you ever tried to print or download a document from HeinOnline, only to be redirected to a message that says the section exceeds the 200 pages? If you need to download a document that exceeds 200 pages, don’t be discouraged. We’ll walk you through how to get all the pages you need in this blog post!

Student carrying books

The Best Back-to-School Survival Tools for Quick and Easy Research

The corn is getting taller, the days are getting shorter, and those of us in the field of academia are heading back to school. HeinOnline experts are always happy to help you out when research gets tough. Check out our ever-growing list of tools, time-savers, and helpful resources below.