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The HeinOnline Blog

Bringing research to life.

If you’re interested in using HeinOnline, discovering great research tips and tricks, and expanding your knowledge of a variety of disciplines, the HeinOnline Blog is the place to be. Peruse the blog to stay in the know about new and upcoming databases, features, interface enhancements, and other content. Refresh and refine your understanding of HeinOnline with getting started guides, searching strategies, and other tips and tricks. Finally, discover fascinating content relating to numerous disciplines, including history, law, international relations, criminal justice, human rights, and many more.

Recent Posts
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New Databases

NEW DATABASE: GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions

We are pleased to announce the first new database of 2019: GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions. This database is free for HeinOnline Academic and U.S. Core + subscribers and includes more than 47,000 titles and nearly two million pages!

Woman holding medicine and a glass of water
Health and Medicine

New Flu Drug and Fast Flu Facts

In October 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new flu drug, Xofluza. This single-dose, oral prescription drug is the first flu treatment approved by the FDA in nearly 20 years. Explore how this new drug can bring relief to the rising number of flu cases in the United States.

Picture of a Lightbulb
Interface Enhancements

The Evolution of A Customer Suggestion

HeinOnline often uses icons to indicate tools or links to additional information and features. We received a live chat from a HeinOnline user about a suggestion update to our interface. Let’s take a look at the evolution of a customer suggestion.

Man holding his chin while looking at a laptop
Getting Started

ScholarCheck Update and General Overview

Thanks to a suggestion from a HeinOnline user, ScholarCheck statistics inside a document are no longer initially found in a pop-up box. Check out ScholarCheck’s new appearance above any journal’s table of contents

2018 Calendar on phone

2018 Year in Review

2018 certainly had its ups and downs. HeinOnline continued to grow and improving, in 2018 alone we had more than 12 million searches & nearly 500 million hits! We added new databases, new content and implemented new search features. Here’s a brief synopsis of what happened with HeinOnline in 2018.


of the Serial Set


The Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal. The Manhattan Project. The Louisiana Purchase.

In addition to writing about the above topics and more, HeinOnline’s authors are dedicated to illuminating the most essential research resources for their readers.

The Serial Set is a must-have publication for any historical researcher. With more than two centuries of documents spanning more than 17,000 volumes, no other publication so beautifully reflects the maturation of the United States. To demonstrate the value of the Serial Set, we’ve created a blog series dedicated to revealing the historical secrets hidden throughout the immense publication.

Each month, join HeinOnline as we explore notable events in U.S. history using the primary sources themselves.

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