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Tag: law journal library

microphone and earphones

The Times They Are a-Changin’

Kid Rock, the Beach Boys and Mike Love were among some of the musicians who joined President Donald Trump at the signing ceremony earlier this month for the Music Modernization Act (MMA). This bill was unanimously passed through the House and Senate prior to reaching the President’s desk.

North America on a globe

NAFTA: Reviewed, Revised, Renamed

Changes are on the rise for the nearly 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Mexico, and Canada. These three countries met and negotiated a last-minute agreement, which revised and could ultimately replace, NAFTA.

Searching on amazon

Do Not Pass Go: Will Amazon’s Monopoly Be Subject to Regulations?

This past month, Amazon reached $1 trillion in value, falling second to Apple. Should the changing economy be subject to new rules? Lina Khan thinks so, and she’s shaking up the system. Read this new post to learn how to research such topics in HeinOnline.

Millennial Leadership in Libraries…and Beyond

Enough with the Avocado Toast, Already Every generation feels misunderstood by the generation that came before them. It’s basically a rite of passage to listen

Picture of Supreme Court building

The Supreme Court and Workers’ Rights

Three cases were brought before the Supreme Court on May 21st, involving tens of thousands of nonunion employees to rule whether or not class action waivers were a violation of the National Labor Relations Act.

Police standing in line in riot gear

Racial Disparity and Lethal Force

A study published in February 2018 by the American Journal of Public Health was conducted to update previous examinations of racial/ethnic disparities in the use of lethal force by law enforcement in the United States. Join HeinOnline as we take a deeper dive into this hot topic.

Laptop with phone, plant, and coffee

New Titles Available in the Law Journal Library!

We are always increasing the value of a HeinOnline subscription, and are pleased to announce that we have expanded our existing agreement with Cambridge University Press! These titles are being added at no additional cost. We hope you enjoy these new additions!

internet hacker in front of laptop

Facebook Scandals and Internet Security

In March, it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a U.K.-based data-mining firm, used Facebook to collect demographic information on tens of millions of Americans. The controversy has sparked a conversation about the ethics of data mining.
