World Constitutions Illustrated
Research the political development of every country in the world with World Constitutions Illustrated, the most comprehensive online library for constitutional research.

About World Constitutions Illustrated
Research the constitutional and political development of every country in the world with HeinOnline’s World Constitutions Illustrated: Contemporary & Historical Documents & Resources. Within this resource, find the current constitution of every country in the world, as well as constitutional histories for each country, consisting of the constitution’s original text, amending laws, consolidated text, and important related texts. Also find constitutional periodicals, thousands of classic books, other related works such as the World Factbook, links to scholarly articles and online resources, and bibliographic references.
Every constitution is provided in the original language in which it was written. Where multiple original-language versions exist, we provide them. Most countries also include at least one English translation, as well. Since translations depend on and reveal the preferences of makers and time, we provide multiple versions where possible. This database is updated monthly with new constitutions and amendments, as well as new constitutional documents.
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Database Tools and Features
Current and Historical Constitutions
Find the current constitution of every country, as well as constitutional histories and related documents. Every country is linked right to its primary and secondary resources.
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Classic Books
Read thousands of classic books from great historical minds, including Aristotle, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, and more.
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Relevant Scholarly Works
View thousands of links to articles that have been carefuly reviewed and chosen by our editors for their analysis of political and constitutional development. Learn more.

About the Editor
Jefri Jay Ruchti was born in Montreal, Canada (1949), and named for John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. He attended the University of Wisconsin (as had his grandfather, father, and brother) and the University of Chicago. He began actively collecting the texts of historical and current constitutions in 1984, mentored through the following years as an editor and translator by Gisbert H. Flanz (1916-2015). In addition to his work on the World Constitutions Illustrated database, Ruchti also provided his editorial guidance to help develop State Constitutions Illustrated.
Outside of his work as an editor, Ruchti has pursued an independent career as an artist, working primarily in dry media on Japanese paper, exhibiting widely in the United States. He lives with his wife of 39 years, Leigh Whiteman, in Guilford, Connecticut.
Help Build the World's Greatest Online Constitutions Database
Our goal is to continue increasing the value of this collection by bringing constitutional documents, periodicals, books, and other scholarly works together in one place. As a company, we have created a platform where scholars can collaborate and contribute their works to enhance this essential resource. In doing so, we invite you to collaborate and contribute, especially if you have access to foreign law collections.
If you have a book, constitutional document, suggestion for an article, or any other work you want to contribute to this project, contact marketing@wshein.com or click on the Contribute to the Project button from within the database in HeinOnline.
If you are a scholar specializing in the constitutional law of a specific country and are interested in becoming an expert Country Editor for this project, contact us at marketing@wshein.com, as well. We acknowledge all of those who contribute and recognize their contributions within the database. Country Editors will be acknowledged on the specific country page, accompanied by their biography.