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For the past few months we have been working diligently to add new features to enhance your HeinOnline experience. We’ve been busy implementing customer suggestions and incorporating new ideas. Let’s review what’s new!

New Features in HeinOnline

1. More Like This

This tool can be found in the Law Journal LibraryABA Law Library Collection PeriodicalsBar Journals Library, and Kluwer Law International Journal Library. When viewing an article in HeinOnline, the More Like This button gives users the ability to find similar articles. This tool uses a program which pulls out “interesting words,” as determined by an algorithm, from the article being viewed. Users are provided with a list of similar articles, based on the interesting words.

Picture of More Like This button

2. Keyword Search Builder

This tool can be found within the Advanced Search option of the Law Journal LibraryABA Law Library Collection PeriodicalsBar Journals Library, and Kluwer Law International Journal Library. To use this tool, enter keywords into one or more of the boxes provided. Adjust the weight of each word using the boost factors. Users can also select a title to search within or enter a date range to narrow down the search results.

Image of Keyword Search Builder in HeinOnline

3. Topics and Entities

Using the same natural language processing and machine learning tools as the More Like This feature, as well as previously categorized articles, topics were applied to all articles in HeinOnline. Entities were also extracted, including location, person, and organization. Search faceting for this new metadata are available, enabling researchers to select material based on these criteria. Search results are also enhanced to include even more relevant articles.

Image of Topics and Entities in HeinOnline search results

4. New Catalog Tool

Users can browse thousands of catalog subjects using the Subjects tool found under the Catalog tab within any database. The subject coding is at the title level and can be used to look for documents on a specific subject. These browsable subjects are driven from Cassidy Cataloging’s MARC records. Easily view the most popular subject listings by selecting ALL and browse by Count within the Subject tool.

Catalog tool in HeinOnline

5. New Title Alerts

Users can receive an email alert when titles with certain terms or keywords are added to HeinOnline by simply saving their catalog search query to their MyHein account. Users can see saved search queries in their MyHein account along with a timestamp of when the queries were saved. Users can delete tags, sort them by title or date, and email them to themselves or someone else. When new titles are added to HeinOnline with these terms, the user will be notified via email.

Catalog search result in HeinOnline

6. Author Article Access Alerts

This new feature is great for authors or those who follow the works of professors and colleagues. Users can receive email alerts when works by authors of their choice are accessed by other HeinOnline researchers. Click on an author’s hyperlinked name to be taken to their author profile page. From here, click Set up email alerts and check the box When articles are accessed on HeinOnline each month. Lastly, enter an email address. Each month, users will receive an email listing the author’s articles and how many times each article was accessed.

Image of Author Alert section

7. Email Selected Catalog Search Results

This new feature is perfect for sharing title lists with students and colleagues. Simply email your catalog search results! Within catalog search results, choose the titles desired to be emailed by checking the boxes on the left side of the list. Then choose Email Selected Results from the drop-down box and click Save/Email. Users can send these titles to up to 10 emails. The selected results are immediately emailed to the address(es) provided.

How to Email Search Results in HeinOnline

8. Citation Data Extraction

Users have the ability to download a CSV of ScholarCheck metrics for an entire institution. To utilize this new feature, enter the Law Journal Library and Browse by Author Profiles. When users click on the institution’s name, all articling authors who have enhanced their Author Profile will be provided below, as well as a link to download a CSV of ScholarCheck metrics for all of the enhanced profiles from the institution. A CSV is automatically downloaded when the user clicks on the link. All of the authors’ information is pulled into the CSV, where a user can sort/filter the information by any individual metric or by overall ScholarCheck rank.

CSV of Author data in HeinOnline

9. Restatement Section Locator Tool

This new tool, added to the American Law Institute Library database, helps users quickly locate a restatement section. To use this tool, choose the Restatement name from the drop-down menu and enter the section number. Users are then directed to the page on which the section begins.

Restatement Locator Tool in American Law Institute Library

10. Similar Article Email Alert

Authors who write on particular subjects will love this feature! Users can receive email alerts when articles are added to HeinOnline that are similar to those written by a specific author. Use the Author/Creator field to search for an author’s name in the Advanced Search option of the Law Journal Library. Then, click Set up email alerts on the author’s page and choose the last option, When similar articles are published on the author’s works. Enter the desired email address and click Set up email alerts. Each month, if a similar article to the author’s works has been added to HeinOnline, the user will receive an email.

Similar Author Alert in HeinOnline

If you have any questions about these new features or need help navigating in HeinOnline, contact our dedicated support team at (800) 277-6995, via email, or via live chat!

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