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New Essential Sports Law Titles Available from Hackney Publications!


Issues in collegiate and professional sports have been a hot-button research topic for the past several years. With that understanding, in 2017 we partnered with Hackney Publications, a publisher of sports periodicals. Hackney journals provide in-depth legal analysis of sports law issues, mission-critical information to sports industry professionals, and practical advice to lead to great business decisions.

In addition to the three titles we introduced initially, we are pleased to announce the addition of nine new Hackney publications. All titles are included in HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library with an embargo, but current content may be purchased through the new subscription options below.

  • Hackney Publications: Part I
    The original three journals introduced to HeinOnline in 2017, covering collegiate athletics and professional sports.
  • Hackney Publications: Part II – NEW
    Three new journals covering high school athletics, sports facilities, and more.
  • Hackney Publications: Premium Package – NEW
    All journals from Parts I and II, in addition to six additional titles covering myriad issues in sports law, from concussions to esports to sports medicine and more.

Read further for a breakdown of the specific journals included in each current content package.

Hackney Publications: Part I

1. Legal Issues in Collegiate Athletics

A narrowly focused monthly newsletter that monitors case law and legal developments at the intersection of sports and the higher education industry. Each month, LICA provides summaries and analyses of court opinions, as well as stories about legal issues that have an impact on the typical college athletic department or general counsel responsible for athletics.

2. Journal of NCAA Compliance

Founded in 2006 as a partnership with Florida Coastal School of Law, JONC is published bi-monthly and discusses the myriad issues in the growing field of NCAA compliance. JONC includes interviews with leaders among compliance professionals, as well as peer-reviewed articles written by experts in the field.

3. Professional Sports and the Law

This publication delivers summaries of important court decisions, expert legal analyses, and relevant sports law articles to attorneys and other executives that work in-house for professional sports teams. PSL is an electronic publication that is emailed to recipients every two months.

Hackney Publications: Part II- New

4. Concussion Litigation Reporter

A monthly publication that provides case summaries and timely reporting on developments and strategies in the emerging legal practice area of sports concussions.

5. Legal Issues in High School Athletics

Published once every two months, this publication provides the latest case law and analysis of legal issues that confront high school athletic directors, district superintendents, state high school athletic associations, and school board attorneys.

6. Sports Facilities and the Law

Published bi-monthly, Sports Facilities and the Law is a one-stop publication for news, case summaries, articles, and strategies to understand and mitigate legal concerns surrounding the challenges facing arenas, stadiums, and recreation and fitness facilities at the professional, collegiate, high school, and amateur levels.

Hackney Publications: Premium Package – New

1. Legal Issues in Collegiate Athletics

2. Journal of NCAA Compliance

3. Professional Sports and the Law

1. Concussion Litigation Reporter

2. Legal Issues in High School Athletics

3. Sports Facilities and the Law

7. Sports Litigation Alert

A publication to help attorneys and other legal professionals stay abreast of sports law developments, this is the industry’s only bi-weekly newsletter devoted exclusively to the field. Sports Litigation Alert tracks legal developments as they occur in amateur and professional athletics, as well as legislative issues that impact legal professionals. Also available for purchase individually ($450.00/year). 

8. Concussion Defense Reporter

A publication for articles, case summaries, and news concerning the defense of concussion lawsuits, whether they arise at the professional, collegiate, high school, or amateur levels.

9. ESports and the Law

A must-read publication for news, case summaries, and articles concerning the legal aspects of eSports, and a provider of strategies for game publishers, leagues, teams, facilities, sponsors, and event promoters.

10. My Legal Bookie

A journal to provide insights into the legal side of online gaming and sports betting industries, delivering compelling content from Hackney Publications Editor in Chief Ellen M. Zavian—a Professorial Lecturer in Law at the George Washington University Law School—and nationally recognized sports law attorney Jeff Ifrah, and his team at Ifrah Law. In each issue, receive case summaries, articles about lawsuits, and insightful interviews.

11. Sports Medicine and the Law

A publication offering a wealth of case summaries, strategies, articles, and more relating to the intersection of law and sports medicine at all levels—amateur, high school, collegiate, and professional.

12. Title IX Alert 

An analytical and informative publication that alerts readers of developments relating to collegiate athletics and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, legislation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational activities.

Subscription Options

Interested in accessing the current content for each of these titles? How about for just a few? Check out the subscription options below.

Hackney Publications: Part I……………………………………………………………………….$595.00/year

Hackney Publications: Part II – NEW…………………………………………………………$295.00/year

Hackney Publications: Premium Package – NEW……………………………………$890.00/year

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