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Two New Subcollections Added to New York Legal Research Library


We are delighted to share with you that we’ve expanded the already-extensive New York Legal Research Library. All subscriptions to this unique database now contain two new subcollections: State Constitutions of New York and New York Prestatehood Legal Research Materials, added at no additional charge. Watch this short video below, or keep reading to learn more.

About the New York Legal Research Library

HeinOnline’s New York Legal Research Library is dedicated to the history, study, practice, and development of law in the state of New York. This specialized database offers unprecedented coverage of current and historical material spread over more than 15 specialized subcollections dating back to prestatehood. From the reports and opinions of the New York Attorney General, the New York State Register, New York Tax Cases, and Session Laws to New York law journals, constitutions, and prestatehood materials, this specialized legal research library offers the legal resources necessary to understand the historical development of rules, regulations, laws, and policies in New York State.

Along with providing a one-stop source for these documents, this comprehensive database also allows users to search across the full text of these New York legal resources at the same time or across just one subset by selecting the search parameters.

What’s New

State Constitutions

This new subcollection provides a centralized resource for researching New York’s constitutional history, from its territorial and colonial days up through the present day. It contains the text of every constitution that has been in force for New York State with the original, consolidated, and current texts and an extensive collection of documents from before statehood. Find comprehensive coverage, compare multiple editions from multiple sources, and view editorialized annotations from the editor.

Prestatehood Legal Materials

Derived from the AALL Joseph L. Andrews Literature Award-winning 2005 sourcebook, Prestatehood Legal Materials, researchers will find a brief overview of New York State’s history from colonization to statehood, as well as a range of readily available and hard-to-find materials with links to full-text documents. This collection also contains bibliographies, references, and discussions on source materials, including State Codes, books, manuscripts, national archives, and much more. 

Additional New York Content

Browse additional content found within the New York Legal Research Library:

Session Laws Quick Locator Tool

In addition to the great content you can discover in this database, we also have tools to make research a breeze. For example, the New York Session Laws have been indexed back to inception. Use our Session Laws Quick Locator tool to pull up a chapter from any year within seconds!

Convert Your Library For the Future

Make your content more discoverable, all while saving tens of thousands of feet of shelf space by subscribing to this complete collection of materials on the law of New York.

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