The HeinOnline Blog
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Important Information Regarding HeinOnline Security Upgrade
HeinOnline has supported both HTTP and HTTPS protocols for many years. Effective June 19th, 2018, HeinOnline is phasing out the HTTP protocol and is automatically redirecting all visitors to the secured (HTTPS) version of our site:

NEW DATABASE: Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Research Guide Including New York City and the District of Columbia
This new database is derived from the AALL’s Joseph L. Andrews Literature Award-winning 2005 sourcebook, Prestatehood Legal Materials. This database contains bibliographies, references, and discussions on a varied list of source materials. Join us as we explore everything included.

Facebook Scandals and Internet Security
In March, it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a U.K.-based data-mining firm, used Facebook to collect demographic information on tens of millions of Americans. The controversy has sparked a conversation about the ethics of data mining.

NEW Citation Format: McGill Guide!
Have you heard about the latest citation format addition to the Law Journal Library? Users can now access the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, otherwise known as the McGill Guide! We’d like to thank Vicki Leung from the University of Windsor for suggesting this idea.

NEW DATABASE: Gun Regulation and Legislation in America
In the wake of several of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history and following the 19th anniversary of the massacre at Columbine, HeinOnline is offering Gun Regulation and Legislation in America free of charge to all U.S. Core subscribers, academics, and other institutional libraries.

Climate Change, the Environment and the Law
Climate change has been more prevalent in the past few years as global temperatures have risen. This blog discusses the definition of climate change, the current U.S. government administration’s policies on and responses to this change, and how users can research this topic in HeinOnline.
of the Serial Set
The Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal. The Manhattan Project. The Louisiana Purchase.
In addition to writing about the above topics and more, HeinOnline’s authors are dedicated to illuminating the most essential research resources for their readers.
The Serial Set is a must-have publication for any historical researcher. With more than two centuries of documents spanning more than 17,000 volumes, no other publication so beautifully reflects the maturation of the United States. To demonstrate the value of the Serial Set, we’ve created a blog series dedicated to revealing the historical secrets hidden throughout the immense publication.
Each month, join HeinOnline as we explore notable events in U.S. history using the primary sources themselves.

Secrets of the Serial Set: The Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

Secrets of the Serial Set: The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

Secrets of the Serial Set: The Stock Market Crash of 1929

Secrets of the Serial Set: The Defense Production Act

Secrets of the Serial Set: Aaron Burr’s Conspiracy

Secrets of the Serial Set: The Atom Bomb
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