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Tag: international law

Hands typing on laptop with blue overlay

Tip of the Week: Locating Treaties in HeinOnline

A treaty is an agreement between two or more nations. Treaties can either be bilateral (between two countries) or multilateral (between three or more countries). Keep reading this guide to learn a few different methods for efficient treaty research in HeinOnline.

Secrets of the Serial Set: The Apartheid Era

A look back on the development and fall of the South African system of apartheid. Featuring Dutch and British colonization, the institution of the system, and African and international resistance.

Silhouette of a child reading a book

Unpacking the History of American and International Child Rights

What is a child? It may seem like a silly question, but the answer is more nuanced than one might think. Let’s explore how the child has become not only an allegory for innocence and the embodiment of freedom, but also a shining beacon of hope for future generations.

Mushroom cloud

Secrets of the Serial Set: The Atom Bomb

An overview of the Manhattan Project and the race to create the atomic bomb. Featuring the Einstein-Szilard letter, the Los Alamos Laboratory, the Trinity Test, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and more.

Nuremberg trials docket

The Nuremberg Trials and Their Profound Impact on International Law

Seventy-three years ago today, the International Military Tribunal of the Nuremberg trials prosecuted the major parties responsible for the Holocaust and other World War II atrocities. Learn about the trials and their impact with HeinOnline’s History of International Law database.


Yo, Ho, Ho and a Bottle of Rum: A Tale of Piracy and Maritime Law

This very day be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Do ye know wha’ that means? Aye, that’s right, me hearties—we shall be natterin’ about pirates today! Ready yer sea legs, grab yer cup o’ grog, and leave them landlubbers behind.

Forest with fog

Trees of Green, Red Roses, Too: Keeping It a Wonderful World

August 2019 a record number of wildfires ravaged the Amazon rainforest. In June, it was estimated that deforestation has risen by more than 88% compared to 2018.Discover the environmental, societal, and economic importance of trees and discover current efforts to slow deforestation.